How to Use Chims Band
Chims Band can be applied to Oriental acupuncture points including classic acupuncture points, Dongshi acupuncture points, Suji acupuncture points, trigger points. More than one diseases can be treated simultaneously by combining the treatments of these points. Chimsband is also effective in treating the Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS).
Myofascial Pain Symptom (also known as the Trigger Point) Theory
Myofascial Pain Symptom (MPS) is a widely accepted muscle theory established by Dr. Travell, a physician of President Kennedy. According to this theory, muscle tension causes not only musculoskeletal pain but also internal and surgical symptoms in an anatomically unrelated area. For example, the tension in the neck muscle could lead to other diseases like rhinitis, headache, or dry eye syndrome; the tension in the thigh muscle may could to knee pain or sciatica; the tension in the chest muscle could lead to neurological symptoms; the tension in the stomach muscle could lead to dyspepsia, irritable colitis and cystitis.
The area of pain or muscle tension (called trigger points) can be identified when pressed with fingers; once the symptoms are treated, the pain will dissipate. The widely used methods of treating the trigger points are acupuncture, acupressure, massage, physical therapy devices, and anesthesia injections. Chims Treatment, while aiming to treat these trigger points, is a method that uniquely uses the lights emitted from body (from the muscle that experiences pain).
There are numerous sensitive points on the skin including the oriental acupuncture points.
Acupuncture stimulates specific parts of the skin to re-activate the function of the organs. The scientific research proves that stimulating Joksamrihyeol, the acupuncture point under the knee, can normalize the activity of the stomach, while stimulating Hapgokhyeol, the acupuncture point between the thumb and index finger, can normalize the activity of the large intestine. Stimulating Imeuphyeol, located in the foot, can normalize certain activities of the brain.
The oriental acupuncture has been practiced over thousands of years, and is recognized as a qualified treatment technique by the World Health Organization (WHO). There are many studies on acupuncture points that report that the acupuncture points generate microscopic lights.
Tender points
Pain and inflammation occur when the tissue is damaged by excessive exercise or bruises or sprains.
In the West, these areas of pain and inflammation are called tender points. There are also skin sensitive spots that can be identified by a method of diagnosis called pinching and rolling (lifting the skin and rubbing it between fingers).
Chims Band can be applied to Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS), acupuncture points, and sensitive skin points. Multiple diseases can be treated at the same time by using the Chims Band.
For example, bruises or sprains are treated according to the Trigger Point theory, while neurological diseases are treated by applying Chims Band on the chest muscle. All diseases listed on this website can be treated simultaneously.
Chims Band can be applied to almost all diseases except for surgical operations or diseases inflicted by viruses or bacteria. It is also known to be effective in treating rare diseases including the ones that do not yet have verified treatments.