Wounds after tooth extraction or nerve painTongue pain, stomatitis, gum inflammation, hypersalivation, mouth dryness, pain of tingling or numbness, overactive saliva or stomatitis
It is caused by injuries from tooth extraction or tension in the muscles around the tooth.
Press strongly with fingers in perpendicular around the chin area to locate the area of pain.
Use Chims Band. Apply both on the right and left sides of the neck and ears.
People with skin allergies and hairy people use Chim's Scarf and Chim's Chin Mask.
Attach a chim band to the area where the chin mask cannot reach.
* Use Chims Band in areas that cannot be covered by the mask, like the back of the ear.
* Sometimes the pain comes from the tension in temporalis. Using Chims Wear is recommended in this case.